Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain must want to lose.....

Although I am a Joe Biden fan, I can't believe McCain did not pick Mitt for his running mate!!! I think Obama did a GREAT job picking a running mate. The Delaware senator has held two of the most important jobs in Washington -- chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

I dont call myself a political expert but who is Palin?


The Wachel Family said...

Read my blog..I'll introduce you.

Ramona said...

I could not agree with you more! Go Barack!!!

Mallory Clan said...

Are you serious?

Mike Wachel said...

I like the part where the Dems say she doesn't have enough experience. Umm...and Obama does? Good stuff right there.

Robin said...

WOW!!!! I didn't say I was voting for Obama....I'm just wondering who would be better to run our country if the little white devil or Obama "Bin Laden" suddenly became unable to.

Since both Presidental nominees are kind of a joke, you got to hope the VP can make up for it.

The Wachel Family said...

Whew!! You had me worried there for a second. Hands down Palin is the better VP choice. Biden is the crotchity old man on the left with no new ideas, and very little left in the tank, he's stale and washed my book he's just like McCain unfortunately.