Thursday, October 23, 2008

Campaign Slogan...

Alyson likes to be involved in EVERYTHING. So it was no surprise when she told me she wanted to run for Historian at school. Historian is in charge of taking pictures at certain events and also helps out with the yearbook. We need to make 6 campaign posters to hang up in the hallways and I am in need of a catchy slogan.

Of course, there is always....

Alyson Egbert

Egg-cellent Choice for Historian.


Got Alyson? She does a student body good.


Always Alyson!!!

I don't know! It is hard to rhyme with Egbert. Well, that's what we will be thinking about over the weekend. They can start campaigning on Monday.

1 comment:

The Wachel Family said...

Dude...I've been racking my brain and I can't come up with a thing. I like the ones you have though!